Saturday, March 1, 2008

Random Facts

THE RULES:1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.2. Post THE RULES on your blog.3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.4. Tag 7 people and link to them.5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged

1) I LOVE to vacuum. It is my favorite thing to do and it really bums me out if Caleb beets me to it!

2) I wash my hands like 30 times a day. I work with little kids and am paranoid about taking any germs from them, so I wash and wash.

3) I love to run and am running the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco in October.
Along with that I am EXTREMELY competitive so when I run on the treadmill I have to run faster and longer than the person next to me!

4) I want to live in a different country for a few years. Caleb and I loved Taiwan and I made him promise me ( not the other way around believe it or not) that we would go back and live for a few years.

5) I listen to peoples speech and analyze it especially if I hear a speech error.

6) I will NEVER eat any seafood. If I don't eat them then maybe they won't eat me, I love to play in the ocean and I'll make whatever deals I can

7) I hate gum. I think it is so gross to keep one piece of food in my (or for you) mouth for so long. Ugh it makes me gag!


Katie said...

That gym thing is hilarious!

Rachel said...

Kendra, you make me laugh!!! I love seeing you so happy!