Monday, November 3, 2008

Consider this blog restricted

Due to some uncalled for comments I have had to think about some things.  Should I set this blog to private and only invite those I want to read to read it?  Should I restrict comments so I read and chose which comments I allow to be posted?  Should I start another blog and only tell certain people the website?  All these ideas have been going through my head.  Hmm, but that's not how I roll.  If you don't like it too bad.  I'm not about to change my blog because of someone else.  However, I don't appreciate being "taught" or "scolded" by other people about my OPINIONS (if you really want to get fired up we should talk politics.) So this is my solution... this blog is for 21 years and older.  And it helps if you have a sense of humor! ENJOY


KRISTIE said...

kendra, you can select to review the comments people post before they appear, and you can approve or deny the comments to accually be posted.
good luck with whatever you do.
i love you and caleb

Melissa said...

Stick it to the man! You crack me up. I'm glad you've decided not to censor your blog--you shouldn't have to. :)

Kendra and Caleb said...

haha! Honestly it got way of out line. I don't appreciate people telling me off, Im sure you figured. Im so sad I missed your party. i was sick and caleb was sad.

Jason & Shannon said...

I just barely changed mine so I had to read the comments before they were posted. Some random person left a comment telling people to vote no on prop 8. How annoying. Sorry you had to go through that.

Sam and Steph said...

Your blog makes me laugh, if you make it private, invite me! And I need you e-mail address so I can invite you to mine...if you want. It's not quite as exciting as yours, unless you count fire breathing pumpkins in my chemistry class :-)

Melissa said...

I heard! I just talked to Caleb after class and he said he worked till midnight and you were so sick! I'm so sorry! We will have to do something soon though :) I told him we have tons of left over candy and he said you two would dress up and come trick-or-treating!! haha

KRISTIE said...

I still love you, even if you never call and hardly ever post anything.
lets see pix of calebs broken leg.

Kendra said...

Steph, How do I email you? You have the private blog Im guessing! Well we have to be blog friends. my email is email make me your friend. We should hang out sometime...

Mrs. Hornberger said...

I love your t.v. too! Its like my favorite flip flops! They might be less attractive and my toes might hang over the front, but who the crap cares?

But I still think we should hit up the day after thanksgiving sales for when you get a new t.v., people get CRAZY and you can get good deals!

Mrs. Hornberger said...

Cant wait 4 chineese food! If you guys go see james bond will you take jared with you? thanks.