Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mourning a Loss


Yes it is true and almost too sad to type. Even now a tear is making its way down my cheek. I have tried to not write about sad or emotional things on my blog but this deserves a mention. Last night after a tough fight, an unfair, unbalanced fight, a love was loss. Our inner-tube water polo team Soggy Bottoms.....lost.It was a tough fight. We made it to the tournament and everything. We had a player gone and one was well-LATE. We fought our hearts out and still lost but an ugly amount. We had the best team EVER. Caleb, Kendra, Corinne-Scott, Steff-Joe(missing this fist tournament game) Kurt (with Helena cheering upstairs for us) Karl (and Deborah cheering for us). And we truely had the best team name ever SOGGY BOTTOMS! For those of you who don't know about inner-tube water polo I feel sad for you. Your life is not complete. It is the best most fun game ever. You sit in an inner tube and play water polo (BYU style so they have lame rules you have to follow). For those of you that know me well, know I have a bit maybe more than a bit of a competitive side. And the team we played was so ANNOYING. The girls were actually good as was the goaly but there were 2 count them 2, boys that bugged me to no end. I will now proceed to bash them: Annoying beyond anything, loud mouths, probably never played a real sport in HS or college so now feel the need to make up for it in intermurals, going home alone ( oh yeah I went there), bad smell (not really) bad hair (really) chasing after me when there is ten seconds left even though you already won, sorry wimps. There. I feel much better. Oh and don't worry I said enough to there faces to not worry about writing about them on my blog. And if you think I'm being a sore loser- keep it to yourself. These boys were annoying and Corinne will stand by me. But other than that we had the best time playing and are SO sad to see and end of this game. Until next year Soggy bottoms. You will be missed.


Mrs. Hornberger said...

how do i change the picture on my blog so instead of saying "Katie and Jared" it says "Jared Katie and Owen" ?

Mrs. Hornberger said...

youre a soggy bottom