Thursday, November 4, 2010

I should..

write Porter's 6 month blog (and 7th month for that matter), make my friend Corrine something amazing because I had to ditch her like a loser last night, make my friend Katiebug something because I haven't even gone to see her, call my sisters, write the grandparents cards, clean my house, do the dishes, do the laundry, take a nap....the list goes on. But instead I'll continue crying my eyes out. I am having a bad day (yet again). I feel like I have zero time and I feel like I am failing at everything. So to those of you I have failed I am sorry. And to Porter I am so sorry you see the babysitter more than you see me. Right now I feel like the world's worst mom. Actually worst everything. The end.


Katie said...

sorry kendra! love you!

Helena said...

I think you are amazing.

KRISTIE said...

(((hugs)) I know just how you feel :( I love you. it will get better, I promise, and pray

Janelle said...

I am so sorry you are having such a hard time. I think you're amazing to do all that you do.

Annalisa said...

Oh Kendra...sorry you are having a hard time. I hate the long to do list too! Thinking of you lots these days!