Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thanksgiving Point

Can you tell Pman is teething? Still too cute.
This little lady is so cute! One of Porter's favorite gals.
Only group shot? Not sure how that happened. But there is Corinne, Scott and Lucy, Caleb's brim of his hat, Pman and my giant head. Fun times.
I do Speech Therapy. No way I'm passing on a picture of a uvula! This was a haunted house and we made it about three steps deeper into the throat before we turned around. I went later with Corinne. Or rather I went while Corinne shoved me in front of every possible scary turn.
Porter LOVED the corn mazes. I loved following him around in it.
They had a hard core farm rock show that Porter loved.
Went for a little cow ride. It was so great, we wouldn't have ever seen the parking lot from that angle otherwise...
Ahh my sweet little man. And notice little Lucy at the bottom right. They loved sticking their faces in the slits.
Best family picture ever, courtesy of sun in our eyes.
This one is for my Pa.

Porter "How you doin?"

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