Sunday, December 2, 2012

One Month

Hello World, This is my very first post! Life is pretty good on the outside. I was really mad when I had to leave my womb, but I am starting to like my new room! I am a very smiley baby. For my mommy. Sometimes I will be smiling away and my mommy tries to show other people and I get shy. I also love to make eye contact. Pretty much from the day we came home from the hospital I would just stare in your eyes. Everyone has commented on it, they all say it's like I'm seeing their soul. I think I am just figuring out who each person is. I am kinda sassy. If I don't like something I will let you know. I like to be swaddled, and rocked on my right side. At first I needed the sound of running water to calm me down, now I don't need it but I sure do enjoy listening to it. My mom says I don't have half the appetite my brother had. I will eat for maybe ten mins on each side, if she is lucky. I still take a long time to eat though, and usually need to stare at you for about 15 mins in the middle of eating. I sleep six hours, eat and then sleep four more. One night I slept 8 hrs, ate and then slept 4 more! I don't really like my car seat but if I am forced to be in it I will usually fall asleep (after I scream). I really love to look at the lights, I love our Christmas tree. I have the best big brother around and love his kisses. The other day I pulled his hair and my mommy thought it was really funny because it is usually the other way around. I love it when my Daddy holds me, I just lay my head on his chest and fall right asleep. I guess I'm a pretty good baby. My life is pretty happy and I am loved tons. My mom says time is flying by so we are trying to enjoy the small things. See you next month! Love, Shirley

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