Friday, February 15, 2013

Three Months

Hello World,
This is my three month post! I am three months and thriving! This was a big month for me, I rolled from my belly to my back! I am not nearly as creaky as I used to be, but will give an occasional creak when I'm really tired.  I don't mind tummy time, I will use roll over.  My favorite toy is the mirror.  I love that cute baby in the mirror.  I really like music and love to be sung to.  I've had a bad cold (worst winter ever) and staying healthy has been a difficult task.  This also resulted in me waking in the middle of the night.  My mom is not so crazy about that.  Hopefully I can go back to sleeping ALL night soon.  Really soon.  I love my brother, I think he is so funny.  He loves me to, and will often say "I want to make her funny" meaning he wants to make me laugh.  I'm a really smiley baby. Just look at me and I will flirt.  I still have occasional "diva days" as my mom calls them but for the most part I am an easy-going baby.  At the Dr. I weight 12 lbs, so I am growing strong.  I have discovered my voice and I can really carry a conversation on.  I talk a lot when I am in my car seat and we are driving somewhere.  I had my first Valentine's Day and dressed all up. I love to stand up, more than sit.  If your holding me and sitting down, I'm probably going to stand the whole time.  Life is pretty good and I'm excited to be getting big! Thanks for checking in!


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