Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Yellowstone Part 1 (July 2013)

This was a great Daddy and Pman bonding trip, but then again any time they are together they have a great time.
 Here is Pman at the lily pond. I love lily pads and he thought this was so cool.  Whenever he was awake and we pulled over to see something he would always want to come exploring.
 I am pretty sure this is black thumb or something thumb.  We had a system that worked awesome for us.  As we drove we looked for places on the map, or signs on the road and pulled over. every time. And we loved it.
 We also had a rule that if cars were backed up and people were out taking pictures, one of us would jump out of the car and check it out.  It paid off when we saw a brown(or black, I don't really know the difference) bear! And it was so close!
 The Continental Divide!
 I took the most unflattering picture of myself with the bear in the background. I hate love it.  I hate how I look but I love that there is a bear right behind me! It was crazy! Don't worry, I had an escape plan ready.
 I can't find our map right now but we kept track of every animal we saw.  The buffalo's were in the thousands.  It was amazing.
 The hubs loved it and I loved that he got a week without phone calls/emails/stress from work and was able to unplug.  I was glad for the lack of internet! ;)

This trip was really awesome.  I took a million pictures so it there are plenty more to come!


Katie said...

I'm jealous that you saw a bear! Joey and I went to Yellowstone a few years ago and really wanted to see one, but had no luck. Looks like a fun trip!

Nicole said...

I'm so glad you went to Yellowstone!!! We love that place! And I'm really glad you posted that picture of you with the bear! It is endearing plus I admire that you are confident enough to put up a picture of yourself that you don't like. I'm happy you guys had fun!