Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Where oh where has the time gone?

Isn't this picture great? I just love it. That's my kid, sleeping straight up. I wonder what he was doing before he fell asleep. What was he playing? What was he thinking? I have a good time with this kid. He is growing like a weed right now. His vocabulary is really great. People always say things like: "wow, he talks a lot." And he does. Which is good. Because this speech momma of his freaked out when the second he turned 6 months he didn't babble. My favorite things he says right now are "oh, wow, watch, good, chendra (for Kendra), I see that airplane, I see that truck, um, wana watch mater? more chicken, pakedo (it's a secret word that means jump...he can say jump but when he wants to jump on the bed or your body he says pakedo). My not so favorite things are his binky, we are giving it up this week. Call in the forces, this will be WAR. He has a hitting issue, that is actually getting a lot better. All in all we are having a fun time rediscovering the world through his eyes. I'll post more about this almost 2 year old later. Just wanted to drop by.


Mrs. Hornberger said...

thanks for dropping by. I was starting to worry about you. Especially after I texted you and you DIDNT TEXT ME BACK!

Ashley and Blake said...

I'm super interested in this binkie thing cuz I'm thinking about taking brodys away but I'm scared! Good luck. Did u do something about the hitting or do u think he's just growing out of hit cuz we have a similar problem here. And that pic is hilarious!

Annalisa said...

Porter's hair is beautiful! I love that you got this picture. I can't believe how big he is. I'll never forget the first time I got to hold him and how tiny he was. I miss you guys. How is Grovecrest? Will you tell Shannon hello for me? How is your winter going?

P.S. Love the animal blanket:)

Annalisa said...

Porter's hair is beautiful! I love that you got this picture. I can't believe how big he is. I'll never forget the first time I got to hold him and how tiny he was. I miss you guys. How is Grovecrest? Will you tell Shannon hello for me? How is your winter going?

P.S. Love the animal blanket:)