Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Highlights of 2010

2010 was full of some serious changes. Our biggest obviously was the birth of Porter. Caleb was released from the Singles Ward ( The calling is only a year long and our year was up) Caleb graduated from BYU, we celebrated our third year anniversary, we took our baby to Oceanside, I had some painful recovery issues, we found strength in our marriage that hadn't been tried before and found that having a baby was better than we could have ever imagined. Even with all the health issues I had, 2010 was a great year. We went through a lot, things that don't need to be mentioned and some things that I don't want to remember. 2010, sorry I wished you away, it really was a good year. Bring it on 2011.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I seriously wish I could have been there.