Thursday, March 17, 2011

Matchy Matchy

I wanted Porter's little onesize from BabyGap the moment I saw it. Because it was from BabyGap I wouldn't buy it at full price (EVERYTHING goes on sale there) so I waited. And waited. And then it happened. It went on super sale. And I NEEDED it. But they didn't have Porter's size (well the size I wanted, Porter was still very much inside my belly) so I checked the baby manaquin and it was the size I wanted. So I took the baby manquin and told them I wanted to buy it. The onesize, not the doll. And then while shopping with my sister Katie, I saw the shirt I'm wearing at Forever 21 and new it would match. So she bought it for my birthday. For me to hoard until I popped that kid out, lost some weight and could wear it. Together. Who said mommy's and their boy's can't match???

1 comment:

Katie said...

I love when we go shopping together.