Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wedding Daze

I told a few friends that I would post wedding pictures. (Sorry it took me forever Jess). I loved my wedding day! I love my pictures ( just come to my house) but didn't get the ones I really wanted. So we are taking some more! I am excited I love getting into my dress and getting all fussed up! My sister Kristie is going to take them and I am so excited. Why should I live the rest of my life whishing I had these pictures right? It doesnt matter that its over a year later, right? Oh well! It should be fun!


Mafuta said...

When do we as parents actually get some wedding pictures??

Mafuta said...

Great pictures by the way!

Katie said...

Love the pics! I am excited for Kristie to take more. They will be beautiful.

The Murdocks said...

How pretty!!! I have always wanted to take more wedding pics. I'm glad you are doing that. Not much has really changed in a year. The only problem for me is my wedding dress doesn't quite fit as well.. haha.. You will have to post the new pics.