Caleb says I need to let things go sooner. I am totally letting this one go...after I tell you about it. Caleb and I went on a date. We hit up the Pizza Pie Cafe and then saw Blind side. During dinner we were having a nice time. Just the two of us. And my bump. It wont be this way for long so I am trying to treasure the time I have alone with my man. The people next to us are weird. I let Caleb know that they are weird. And then it happens. Lady:"Whens your baby due?" March 27
th. Lady:"I was going to say March". In my head, yeah sure you were. Lady: "Do you know what it is?" Me: Yes its a boy! Lady:" Oh I was going to say March and a Boy". Me: yep I bet you were. And then the lady and her husband and two children start a conversation with us. For a long time. Like over two trips to the buffet long. Then when they are finally done telling us their life story the man strikes a nerve. MAN: In very mean tone:"You know I am really against finding out what your baby is before hand. Really. Especially your first. It's wrong. It should be a surprise." ME:
WTH Who do you think you are? Keep your
opinion to yourself. And on top of keeping it to yourself, you are a man so if you don't have a
uterus you DON'T have a say.
Ok. I didn't say that to him. But I wanted to. I just told him I didn't
agree with him at all and Caleb
politely pointed out that knowing provides months of shopping. How is Caleb such a good guy? I was so ticked off. I have had my share of
unsolicited advise but that was enough. Rude man. So there, if I could do it all over again I would have better come backs than not-ugh. Oh well. Am I alone on this?
p.s. I will post birthday and christmas really soon...