Do you ever read peoples blogs and feel like you have no idea who they really are, or that the seem to have the picture perfect life? Well I do. And that's just not my style. So here's whats going on, on my side of the fence:
We've been busy. Friday night we went to the BYU basketball game at the Energy Solutions and sat on the court. It was awesome. We have been able to do this a few times and it is really fun. And ridiculous. They herd you back during half time and feed you fancy treats and soda and candy and have little goodie bags under your chairs. You can literally smell the players sweat. You can get in fights with the refs. It's been fun and I hope we get to do it a few more times.
Sunday we went to The First Presidency Christmas Devotional. My friend got tickets and took us. It was amazing. The building is always awe inspiring and sitting in the same room as the prophet is always exciting. Plus the beautiful message of the true meaning of Christmas is always a welcome topic. We had a blast.
Monday we went to dinner with friends, it has been too long. So long in fact that the owner of our restaurant sold it and we didn't even know. Prob wont be going back. Tues I had my hair done. Wed we had Caleb's work Christmas party.
Yep, his work Christmas party. Right now I can easily name a 1,000 things I love about the Q. It was really fun and we sat with the best people. We may not have won one of the 6 cruises they handed out but I am grateful Caleb has a good job. I'm pretty sure there will be a movie about Q in a few years. One of the owners talked about gratitude, and how he was grateful for his employees. It was so nice and weird. We should be the ones thanking him.
I want to move. NOW. We found a dead mouse in our kitchen when we got home last night. We are so grateful Porter didn't find it first. I hate sharing a laundry room. I hate hearing things I shouldn't be hearing. I do love how big it is. I know it could be worse. I'm just ready to move on. I found a house to move to. It was big and cheap. It was a scam. I can't stand dishonest people.
The Doctor thinks I may have Celiacs disease. This would totally suck. But I have kinda gone gluten free until I can see the GI Dr. Wow. It is not easy but I totally notice a difference. I can't wait to know. Hopefully I will get an appointment soon.
Porter is growing like a weed. He has so many words AND signs. He is saying 3-4 word sentences and questions. He cracks me up. He loves to sing and dance. But let's be real here people. He learned how to punch. Not sure how, just sure I hate it. We are working on that. Poor kid got my bad temper. Yikes. But really this is my favorite stage. I'm loving almost every minute of this time.
I'm working two days a week and I love it. I love staying on top of my skills and being part of the professional world. I love the students I work with and the staff I work with. I feel like it's the best of two worlds.
Well I guess I'm done ranting. Sometimes I just need to get things off my chest. I'm still itching to move, we are still in Limbo about our future (SO JUST DON"T ASK) I may have to give up a staple in my life= bread. And our sweet little man has learned a new skill. One that hurts. So there.