Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Dear Mattie, Khloe, Jake and Jared, I miss you very much. I love getting your pictures and art work in the mail. I love getting very sweet voicemail from you. I miss you a TON! I wish I could see you more. I wish I could fly home every other weekend and see you. I wish I could take you on Auntie dates like I used too. But only 66 days until Oceanside and I can't wait to play with you. We can go swimming and on walks and all sorts of fun stuff. I love you very much.
Love, Your Auntie Kendra
P.S. Quinn I miss you too but I get to see you more so don't take it personal! I love you!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Quinn is not offended. He wishes he could see everyone else too. So do I.