Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Double Dog Dare You!!!

This is my confession: I am a Shopaholic. To the core. I can't be sure when it happened. I can be sure that I could live my life working only to shop! I thought running would take over this addiction but it didn't. Sometimes I go in a store and come out with some stuff, sometimes I just walk by and I end up with stuff. I know I live in utah. I am not like a lot of the girls here... that said I know some of you probably think my shopping habit is wasteful and sickening. I probably think you don't have any style. I'm JOKING!!! I do recognize that I love to shop. however, I do not spend more than I make....but I make a pretty penny so I have been trying to cut back. Cut back is an ugly phrase in my opinion. I read these books years ago. Confession of a Shopaholic. I read them ALL. I loved them. I felt like there was someone out there that understood what I was going through. I had a blast reading them and even more fun shopping after I read them. But all that changed last night. Let me introduce my sis Kdog. She has recently become a shopaholic. She got worse than me at my worst! For a l_o_n_g time she denied it. Last night while she was showing me the two board shorts, swimsuit, and skirt she bought she admitted it! Then came the dare. The dare among all dares. Reminder: I cannot say no to dare. Ok i CAN technically say no like if it's dumb or compromises my morals or something but for the most part I'm all game when it comes to dares. So kdog said: "I bet you can't shop for a whole month". I said "I've given up ice cream, sweets, etc.. but never shopping". And a month is a really long time in the world of shopping. There are some stipulations, I can buy food, and necessities. but no clothing/shoes/accessories. And I should mention that Caleb laughed when I agreed to the dare. So I really have a lot to prove here. And the loser has to pay the other 5 BUCKS!!! Maybe ten. I will not lose. One day down...only 30 to go.

P.S. Katiebug and Corinne do NOT tempt me.....I'm not strong


Katie said...

Don't forget if that brown bathing suit goes on sale at target I am out. I can do this! I've done it twice in the past year, remember?

MeganandClaudy said...

i believe in you! you can do it!

JoEllen said...

So, I'm curious...were you able to do it?? I don't know if I could...!!