Friday, May 18, 2012

Bloom where you are planted

I'm having a hard time with this. Blooming where I'm planted. My family has a running joke that I will be in a different house every time they come visit. Sad thing, its kinda true. Remember how I had to move from our last place? Well I really regret it. I'm wishing we stayed there. For a million reasons. But I had to move. And I'm already getting that itch now. Like, I'm ready to move again. Do you see why we don't buy a house? I've also been thinking about living abroad. It's ALWAYS been our plan to go back to Taiwan to live for a year or two. It just hasn't happened yet. And I start to wonder if it ever will. So then I search and find us jobs and a place to live in Taiwan and am shocked when the hubs doesn't agree. You see, he loves his job. Sometimes I worry its coming between us ;). But the hubs really does love it. And that's an answer to prayers. We both have wonderful jobs and I am so grateful for that. But then I start to think, will we stay here forever? Because I don't know if I can do that. Live here forever. But I would be a crazy fool to make my hubs leave an awesome opportunity of a career because I don't want to raise teens here, right? It's hard being in Limbo. I kind of like it and kind of hate it. I mainly hate it because I feel old. It rarely happens, but sometimes I think I have to keep up with the Jones. Buy a house. Wear an apron all the time etc. I know we won't always be in limbo. In fact some things will be decided at the end of this year. And then I will probably miss limbo. Oh dear. So for now, I'm trying to bloom where I've been planted. I could probably try harder...


Mrs. Hornberger said...

Screw the jones! If you buy a house some where you may not want to live, you'll feel stuck. And stuck is worse then limbo. Just look at it as an adventure! Right now you're in Provo and you could end up any where you want! And if you stay there then that would be awesome too!! You just said "life is what you make of it" to me. Take your own advice. Caleb has a great job which might open up other doors in other places so just be excited for what's to come because no matter what it seems like life will be better then good for the Wilkins family!

MeganandClaudy said...

i hear you. I'm so itching to get out of here and keep thinking that I need to enjoy/appreciate Utah for all of it's Utah-ness. We'll probably both miss it once we've left it in the dust.

But then I see my other friends who live abroad or at least outside of Utah and envy them and their adventures. I see no time or way for me and Claudy to do something like that since he's so behind in school, but I always think--we're only getting older and if we don't make it happen it won't. Decisions, decisions! Good luck. Here's to us both finding happiness no matter where we find ourselves :)

Katie said...

Limbo is hard. While I actually do like Provo, I don't like the limbo feeling. I try to remind myself of how much money we are saving by staying in our small place and living so close to places Jackson and I can walk to. Some days it help, other days it doesn't. Hang in there!