Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Su Su Summer!!!

I made it. My last day of work. Ahhh. Now I can breathe. It was a good year. A really good year. I worked with two great SLPs and loved it. I love the kids and have been at this same school for three years. I was able to be a part of some really awesome stuff. Helping kids learn to communicate is always amazing. I love my job. But that doesn't mean it isn't work. It's hard. It's hard finding balance. It's HARD being a working mom. It's hard leaving your baby with a sitter. It's hard when they are sick but you have deadlines. It's just plain hard. My hat goes off to all the working moms out there. It's hard, I know. But its summer time. And that means its party time. I get to be home with my little man. No more packing bags, lunches, fixing schedules, stress. We can relax. And play. Play. Play. Play. I live this time I have with pman. I love being home with him. I love how easy our lives are when I am home. Woo hoo. I'll talk more about the job later but for now I am making fun to-do lists with pman and am getting so excited to tackle them. I left work a little early today, pman was running a fever. And even with medicine and a cool bath he is still 102.8 and climbing. My poor guy. But knowing I don't have to work or figure out the sitter and a sick baby is so comforting. I can be up all night with this boy, if he needs and I won't have to leave him in the am. Not my ideal way to kick off the summer of Kendra-Porter, but at least were together. Any fun suggestions?

1 comment:

Mrs. Hornberger said...

Fun suggestion #1 hang out with bug and the bugletts when they get to Utah.