Friday, August 31, 2012

Breaking the news

I found out I was pregnant on a saturday morning at around 5 am. I was so excited I woke up early and snuck downstairs. I didn't have a picture with the test with Porter because I never got a positive one. I was thrilled! I didn't want to tell Caleb in a lame way, after all the fortune cookies were the BEST idea. But I also couldn't do the same thing. So later that night we had a date night planned at Color Me Mine. We made a competition that the most creative piece could choose the place for dessert. So we colored our while not showing the other what we were doing. Then at the end we showed each other. Caleb just laughed and laughed and then when we got outside he gave me a huge hug. He said he didn't want to make a big deal in public but he was thrilled. I love that I have the mug to keep forever. I got Porter the BIG BRO shirt and thats how we told our family and friends. At 11 weeks I had a bladder infection and had to go to the ER, they thought I had something wrong with my appendix, so we got a sneak peek at our little one. About 10 weeks before our real ultrasound we made a gender countdown chain. I really thought I was having a boy. I was pleasantly surprised to find out otherwise.

Rex Lee 2012

I think we have done this race every year with the exception of when I had Porter. This year we ran in support of my Grandmother "Ma". She was not doing well at this point but I think she knew I was running for her. I was 8 weeks pregnant and hadn't told anyone or gone to the doctor so I took it easy. I think I finished in 29 or 30 mins. It was a fun run and I always get emotional when running these kinds of races. At one point we were running up a hill and a Dad was pushing his son in a wheelchair. Touched my heart. I offered to take a turn but they wanted to do it themselves. So inspirational!


We love playing with friends!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Go get your craft on....

While at Mama Camp I was able to get some crafting done with my mom. I love it when I am around her and can use her skills and talents! I was able to make a few burp cloths, a car seat canopy and a yarn "S". The burp cloths and the canopy were really fun and easy. The yarn letter was not. I hated it. It took forever. Had I known, I would have spray painted it first so that the color wouldn't show through. But it's done. I also made a beautiful blanket that my mom picked out for baby girl. I was serous about doing the whole thing myself, and then ran out of time and mainly desire. I need my mom to come up and stay with me so I can get a few more crafts done before the little lady makes her debut!

Mama Camp

I was able to go down to California a week before our family vacation. I drove down with my mom and was able to help (?) with Camp Mama. My mom does this every year. A frist I thought she was a saint. After camp Mama I think she might be crazy ;). This was so much more work than I ever knew. Granted my child has never taken part of this camp as he is too young. He sure thought he was a big boy this whole week. As I mentioned, this was a lot more work than I ever knew. And not for me. For my mom. She had to buy food to feed everyone for the week. I never imagined how much little kids ate! She took them to art camp in the morning and had activities planned everyday. It was a stay over most of the time, for the kids that live close they had to go home some nights (not their fault, they just lived close) I was recovering from a sinus infection and a cold and pman got my cold and wasn't sleeping, so I was a bit more grumpy than I should have been and I regret that. But all those kids make a LOT of noise! I loved watching pman this week. When they left for camp he had to go to and was heartbroken when he couldn't go to the camp with them. I felt like he grew up so much that week. I loved seeing him with his cousins and realized how much we miss out by not living near family. My favorite part of this week was watching my mom. What an AMAZING woman. I know she was exhausted even before the camp began but she was so good to her grandchildren. Engaging them, teaching them, listening and loving them. It was remarkable. I thought I had some really great grandparents. My children are a million times luckier in the grandparent department than even I was. My mom was cute with all her crafts, we tye dyed, painted, made cars, made stepping stones, played slip in slide and in the kiddie pool. I need to get more pictures from my niece Mattie. My favorite day was when we played on the slip and slide. I got involved and would slide on my knees. I would also spray the kids with the hose and for some reason they loved this! It was so fun to be a part of their fun. I sure love those kids. Another favorite was watching my mom teach her grandkids about treasures. She told them a few sweet stories about her parents and the treasures she has from them and then gave them a little treasure to take home. It totally made me tear up and I was so grateful to be a fly on the wall for that. My mom is amazing. I told her she should never do mama camp again! It's so much work, but reflecting back I don't see how she can stop. Maybe just three days? I hope Porter and Shirley can go to a few more Mama camps. In the end the fights, the drama, the screaming, the tiredness just don't compare to the smiles and giggles and sweet memories. Thanks for letting me experience it mom!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A dinky (binky)

Oh the Dinky. This is a long time coming. We actually got rid of the binky right after Pman turned two. We tried getting rid of it earlier but the babysitter was not on board with that. And then I felt guilty. Because I worked and he was with a new babysitter and I felt like he should have something that comforts him. And I was worried all H.E.L.L. would break lose when we got rid of it. But at two years damage to the teeth starts to occur. That and I do speech therapy and knew I couldn't support a binky. Tounge thrust. Lisp. As you can see in the pictures Pman loved his binky. Sometimes to chew on, sometimes two at a time. He truely loved them. But when we took him to build a bear he was ready. He picked out his bear, put his binky right in with the heart and closed it up. He slept fine at night but naps were really hard. He has withdrawl. But he got over it. And we all lived happily binky free after!