Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Darn it.

I was really battling some inner demons about work this week. I wanted to take some days for myself before this baby came. Days to get a pedi, finish laundry, sleep...indulge in being a single person. I went to work Monday and had the worst head ache ever. We had my Dr's apt that afternoon. I'm dilated .5 and 70% effaced. Caleb told the Dr about my ear pain and head ache. She looked in my ears and said there was a lot of fluid but it wasn't infected yet. So she told me to take some over the counter cold stuff and use rubbing q-tips in my ears. I did. I spent 11pm-1 am in pain, fell asleep and spent 3:30-7 in pain. Needless to say I didn't go to work on Tuesday. I went back to the Dr and it had turned into an infection. I've been on the meds for just over 24 hrs. I missed work again. Will probably miss it tomorrow. This is NOT what I had in mind. The ear infection is a huge pain in the ear. I had no idea. Now I am really praying this little man stays in late, I can't imagine having him while I feel this sick.


Corinne said...

Hang in there my friend!! Let me know what I can do for you or bring you. I'm very free these days now that Scott is working crazy hours. Love you, Can't wait to meet that lil man!

Annalisa said...

Kendra, I have been thinking about you a lot. You have been the best to work with- seriously. Hang in there!

Janelle said...

So sorry. Ear infections are so painful. I had a really bad one several years ago and my sweet friend that lived below us would come up and do this homeopathic thing to help relieve some of the pain. You heat up a spoonful of olive oil, pour it in your ear and then use a cottonball to keep it in. It would instantly relieve some of the pain, even if it was only for a little bit.