Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Maternity Pictures-Part 1

My awesome sister Kristie came to Utah to take Lylia's newborn pictures. Both my sisters are so awesome that she was able to take some belly pictures for me. She totally rocks. This one of Caleb is my favorite. As most you know he LOVES getting his picture taken so I was really lucky that he didn't mind spending his Saturday following Kristie's guide.

We both have goofy faces on this one but I love the colors. I am so lucky to have such awesome sisters. Including Kelly, who wasn't here but was in our thoughts. The whole time.

It's crazy to think that I have only a few weeks left. I am still totally freaked out and not at all in any hurry for this little guy to join us. All of his laundry is done and his bag is packed. His car seat is not in the car and his room has just a little re-arranging left to be done. I am so lucky to have my amazing mom come up when he is born and help me...even though she just left Utah on Monday.

We don't really have any other news. The hubs is very busy with 19 credits, the church stuff, and work. I'm really busy with work and shopping. So we are very busy people. We both can't wait until I can run again, the hubs is a more regular runner when he has me to keep up with, and my legs are begging to run again. I have started having braxton hicks. Not fun. I pee all the time. I'm not joking. I will go and then brush my teeth and then go again. My belly is big and yes I carry low. I just love when people tell me how I'm carrying =). Caleb is really concerned with me getting scared and popping this baby out. He is very careful not to startle me and when we went to see 2012 he kept trying to get me to leave. So funny. Speaking of movies, if you have a baby, leave them at home. There was a barely walking baby there and you know I just didn't pay to hear him cry. But don't worry I told her to leave her baby at home next time.


Annalisa said...

Kendra, these pictures are great. I love the outfits you have on in them too. You will do great in labor! I just know it!

Katie said...


Katie said...

but her name is Lyla!

Mindy said...

You look so good! I can't wait to see pics of your baby!

Mrs. Hornberger said...

You love when people tell you how youre carrying lol. Just wait till you have the baby and people start telling you how to raise him and how you should do things the way they did. It just keeps getting better :)

Janelle said...

You are hot stuff lady and going to be such a great mama!