Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pain in the bum (literally)

I really debated about blogging on this issue. For one is very personal and for two it is disgusting. But Caleb has been doubting that anyone reads my blog anymore and I figure a post like this will prove him wrong! Saturday I wasn't feeling very well. I went and did a hardcore workout with my new and favorite gym friend Katie. It totally kicked my trash. And then Sunday I didn't feel so hot either. And Sunday night I mentioned to Caleb that I might have a hemorrhoid (I told you this is disgusting). And on Monday I was having some trouble walking, sitting and moving. But I still went to the gym and ran 7 miles (I'm training for a 1/2 marathon after all) and when I finished running I almost passed out. I was in so much pain I couldn't handle it. I called my mom and she said "go to urgent care". Caleb came home and suggested I call a friend to watch Porter because he was taking me to urgent care right now. Thanks to very nice neighbors and friends someone came and stayed while we went to urgent care. Let's skip the embarrassing stuff and get right down to it. My hemorrhoid had a BLOOD CLOT. So my military Doc got his tools and went to town. It was so painful. He cleaned, then cut and then drained the clot. HOLY COW! It hurt, and not just my pride. We left with a prescription of pain meds thinking I would be running again the next day. NOT SO. I was in so much pain. I have been in so much pain. I went back to the Doc today and she fixed me up a little bit more and gave me a fresh dose of pain meds. "Have mercy" has a whole new meaning for me. So I have missed work this week, Porter has watched more TV in 2 days than in his entire life and I have had a real pain in the bum. There it's out. It's disgusting. But true. Words cannot describe how alone and hurt and scared I have felt. But I have an amazing hubs, a sweet baby who just laughs when I am crying trying to sit down, some truly wonderful friends that watch Porter and drop off my favorite kind of ice cream. I can't be alone on this issue though...anyone want to share???


Loving Our Life said...

Kendra you make me laugh. All I can say is take lots and lots of baths and fiber....they do get better...eventually.

TT, Buzz and Kids said...

I have never had the blood clots, but I know how painful hemroids can be. I got them when I was pregnant with Aurianna and have had them ever since. They don't hurt all the time but they still hurt. Good luck with that. Let me know if you need anything! We need to play sometime.

Shabang said...

Wow that sucks! I haven't had hemmorhoids but when I was in high school I had a really painful cyst that pretty much made it impossible to sit for a week...Hope it gets better soon cuz we miss you!

Sarah said...

Holy I hear you on the hemrroids! And I haven't even had kids yet! I've never had a clot before but I can only immagine it feels awful. The first time I went to the bathroom after I had hemrroids I was pissed I didn't see a baby in that toilet, it was that painful! The only thing that cured my hemrroids was liquid witch hazel on cotton balls. Not pretty but seriously heavenly. I will be thinking of you! Good luck!

Nicole said...

I've never had the blood clots, but I dealt with hemorrhoids for a good 11 months after having my first. Lots and LOTS of water. Also-- I started taking a magnesium supplement (got the idea from milk of magnesia, which I was NOT going to take :)) and it helped a TON. And don't let it scare you from having another- so far I am home free of hemorrhoids this time!!

Mrs. Hornberger said...

What I want to say is that I wish I didn't have to read about your struggles online. Cuz if I knew about your struggles as they were happening then maybe I could be the amazing ice cream dropper offer or baby sitter and get a shout out in your blog. Oh well. I hope it's better now and if you need anything let me know!

Rach said...

Ouch! Sorry that happened! Hopefully you feel better soon! Oh and I'd be happy to babysit anytime you need a sitter!

MeganandClaudy said...

that sounds painful! Hooray for real experiences being blogged about! The closest I've had was breaking my tailbone and I know that's nothing like your pain, my heart goes out to you. I have a donut pillow if you need it :)

Janelle said...

I don't even know what to say. I'm so sorry. Who even knew that was possible? That's a new level of awfulness. :( Hope your bum feels better soon!

Corinne said...

I agree with Katie. Sorry about your bum. Love you tons. xoxo