Friday, May 6, 2011


I have had a good time laughing at some things going on in the blogging world! Geeze louise some people need to calm it down. Now lets clear up some of my personal blog rules and guidliness. I blog about my life. That includes, my hubs awesome beard (see post below), my cuttest baby in the world, races I'm running (like the Provo half marathon tomorrow), work (because I DO work), dates, sad things, happy things and silly things. Like this post.

Ok. Is this thing working? Is the volume turned up? Checking, checking 1,2,3. Oh good. Ok now some people on know their "friends" by blogging. I'm guilty of that for a few people. Just so ya know, I like to have fun. I like to ruffle the stiff air (especially here in Provo) and I am not afraid to speak my mind. Sometimes I make fun of a situation that happened to me. Sometimes I tell people I have had it with nasty comments (ie about working moms). Sometimes I say I can do more than cook, clean and make a fetus. (which by the way, I made I really cute one!)And sometimes people don't know how to take a joke.

So here's how: laugh. I know, I'm a really good teacher. So don't get your feathers in a ruffle over anything on my blog. I have a really good sense of humor and can't help my witty writing. (aka that was a joke). SO I do hope my real friends keep up with me through blogging (I PROMISE to post more really fun pictures) and I hope those that read my thoughts/feelings/insights on life and go post nasty comments, get upset (because there is really nothing to get upset about-unless your jealous of my amazing shopping buys) or want to start a post war: GET a GRIP!

This blog is for fun. And really for me. I understand that when I post outside of pictures and butterflies, some people aren't going to like it but when intent to hurt is NOT there, I think we should stop being self-centered and know that it's not about YOU (on my blog, smiley face) Ya know what I mean?


Nicole said...

Hey So I'm reading this and I could be wrong, but it seemed like it might be a response to my post earlier. While reading, I realized you might think I was directing my post at you because of your just a mom post. If that's the case, I sincerely apologize! I agreed with that post! And I kinda felt like my post earlier agreed with it too... Part of what I was saying was that we should do what is best for our families, and be proud of it! And also that we should be proud of and support each other even if we're doing different things for our different families. Maybe I misunderstood your post, but I felt like mine agreed with it, at least for the most part!
The post I did today was because there are people out there who brutally attack others and their lifestyles and are downright cruel. I have a couple friends who are victims of this, and I thought it was really sad and disappointing that people would be that way.
OH and if this wasn't directed at me (which it might not be, cause I've NEVER left anyone a nasty comment, haha :)) have a good one and hope your hemorrhoids are ok ;) ;)

Nicole said...

Oh and at the end where I say I love and look up to all my readers (I don't really even know how much you read, but even so!), that means you too! I really admire you, I have no idea how you do all that you do! My mom is an SLP and I know the stress she is under at work all the time (but she loves it too!), and I can't imagine working and having a little one too. You are an awesome role model to a lot of women!

Kendra and Caleb said...

Oh girl! I hope you got my message(s) Don't you worry, it's not you! Maybe everyone is thinking it's them? Trust me it's not. Its a someone that is not a friend! I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings!

Nicole said...

haha k, I just got your messages, we've been at the park all afternoon! :) I'm really glad it wasn't for me, haha, Because like you said, we have our 'little' problems in common, and I feel like we've kinda bonded cause of it!! I just felt bad that maybe I had hurt your feelings, so had to make sure it wasn't me :) Hey and if you ever want to do a playdate, we would LOVE that! 760-384-8789 Text.. call.. whatever :)

MeganandClaudy said...

amen! and thanks for your post on my blog. :)