Hey World,
It's me Porter. I'm 15 months old and have a lot to show for it. My favorite toy in the world is a car. I drive it on everything. If I see a car I say "vroom" until I get it and then I say it as I'm driving the car around. I love to play ball. I love to swim. I now say "Hi, vroom, ball, dog, uh-oh, mom, dada, no, yea, mmum, ouch (and a few more but my mom can't remember!). I sign "water, milk, food, dog, ball and we are working on please". I love pizza. And bread. I do not like strawberry's. My 'rents can't believe it but I just don't like them. I love to go on walks and be outside. If my mom is weeding I will help her by sitting in the dirt and putting it all over my body. She thinks this is so funny. I like to do things on my own. I love to blow kisses to people. I give high fives sometimes but I prefer to pound it (hit knuckles). I'm still one happy baby and still haven't cut my hair. You didn't think we would last this long did ya? Well I'll let you know when it happens. (I'll give you a hint: my 3rd birthday). I am 32.3 inches tall (90%) I weigh 24.1 lbs (50%) and my head is 49 cm(90%). I'm a tall skinny baby. My mom says she wishes she could freeze time and keep me at this stage for awhile. But I can't stop growing and changing. Life is great!
so cute!
He is getting so big!
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